Coating with Nanotol is that easy
Application on smooth surfaces
Glass, metal, plastic etc.
Application on absorbent surfaces
Textiles, stones
The surface must be prepared with a special cleaner.
1 = cleaning / preparation (once)
2 = coating (one time)
1+2 = maintenance / Refresher (regularly)
The surface must be clean, but no special cleaner needs to be used. Textiles are washed. Stones cleaned in the outdoor area.
2 = Spray on Protector - let dry - done
You can find tips and tricks for a perfect result in these detailed instructions.
Step „1“: die Reinigung
Mit „1“ (Cleaner) wird die Oberfläche gründlich gereinigt, egal ob Glas, Kunststoff, Metall, Stein oder Lack und dadurch ideal auf die Versiegelung vorbereitet.
Der Cleaner reinigt auch bereits versiegelte Oberflächen schonend und gründlich.
Step „2“: die Versiegelung
Mit „2“ (Protector) werden Fenster inkl. Rahmen, Küchenoberflächen, Möbel uvm. lang anhaltend versiegelt und dadurch Schmutz abweisend.
Mit unseren Sets können Sie sparen
Step 1 (Cleaner Konzentrat) + (Cleaner - verdünnt 1 Liter)
Step 2 (Protector)
2 x Hightech Mikrofasertücher zum Reinigen und Polieren (aktivieren)
2 x Schwammtücher zum Auftragen
Step 1 (Cleaner) + 2 (Protector) in einem Produkt
Sehr effiziente, zeitsparende Alternative. Reinigt und versiegelt gleichzeitig und frischt den Protector immer wieder auf.
Ideal für Arbeitsflächen in der Küche, Glaskeramik, Spiegel uvm
Step 1: Precleaning with Nanotol Cleaner
Nanotol Cleaner is a deep cleaner concentrate optimally suited to prepare the surface for the coating: Dilute Nanotol Cleaner with water (two to three caps to one liter of water). Clean the surface thoroughly, rinse with water or wipe off to completely remove any remaining Cleaner.
Step 2: Spray the coating on the surface or spread evenly with a cloth. Let it dry
Spray Nanotol Protector on the surface or spread evenly with a cloth. Make sure that the coating is applied to all areas. A thin layer of coating is sufficient because the coating only penetrates into the clean pores. A second layer has no benefit.
Activate nanopolymers with a microfiber cloth - finished!
Polish the dried surface with a high quality microfiber cloth until no remaining coating is visible and the surface shines without any streaks. If remaining coating is still visible, moisten the microfiber cloth slightly with warm water. If streaks are still visible, just polish again.
Step 3: Renew with Nanotol 2in1
Use Nanotol 2in1 during a normal cleaning process. Just spray it on the surface, distribute with a wet cloth and remove dirt afterwards. The nanopolymers in 2in1 fill in imperfections and repair the sealant.